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Greta Thunberg's Influence on the Fashion Industry


If you've been following the news regarding the environment, there's a very high chance you've heard of Greta Thunberg. Only age 17, and she's changing the world one step at a time. Thunberg grew up in none other than Stockholm Sweden, where she discovered her awareness of environmental issues at a very young age. As a very powerful speaker, she's already made efforts to bring awareness to harmful issues in the environment. Specifically global warming and climate change. Thunberg continues to be an activist for the environment and continues to push for more government involvement.


Even as a teenager, Thunberg has used her voice in public speaking as a powerful tool to address the urgency of the situation. "I want you to panic" says Thunberg speaking on climate change and the importance of reducing greenhouse gasses. Her striking voice and powerful tone has been able to influence a great deal of individuals. Although she is young, she has accomplished much.

"Fridays For Future" is a public movement for climate change in which encourages students to go on a school strike to demand action from the government in regards to climate change and carbon emissions. Thunberg created this movement in ninth grade, when she was only 15 years of age. During this strike, Thunberg protested outside Swedish parliament demanding action from the government to cut down on carbon emissions by 15% per year.

During the UN Climate Action Summit, Thunberg gave a powerful and tearful address. She lead 4 million people in a strike across 161 countries.

Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in March 2019, and became TIME's Person of the Year in 2019.

She has met with multiple government members including former president Barack Obama, and the US House of Representatives.

Since 2008, Thunberg has refused to fly by plane. When she needs to travel overseas she will travel by boats fueled from solar and wind energy to reduce carbon emissions produced from airlines.


Because Thunberg has effectively accomplished so much in such a short span of time, she has been able to use her voice as a tool to push climate issues forward. Thunberg speaks a great deal about empty promises made from the government and the detrimental consequences of those "promises." Thunberg continues to fight for the future of millions as well as the planet. She has proposed multiple solutions to the problem, including preserving our coral reefs and forests. The biggest problem facing our environment today is the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Impact

Thunberg's impact has inspired many people to choose a more sustainable lifestyle, and support more companies using ethical and environmentally-friendly practices. Because the fashion industry takes such a big toll on the environment it's imperative that fast fashion is discouraged and action is taken.

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