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Going Ethical. Why is it Important?

Updated: Nov 20, 2020


You may or may not know about the harmful effects that fast fashion has on the earth. You may not even realize that some of the clothes you have in your wardrobe right now can actually cause damage to our environment. No need to worry, there is a much safer and healthier alternative. You don't have to give up all your clothes for it either.

As you continue to read this blog we’ll be able to explore the world of fashion sustainability and why it’s important. Not only that, but you’ll be able to learn how to go ethical and create a healthier lifestyle for yourself and others. This is all possible while on a tight budget, and yes, you will still be able to keep up with all the latest fashion trends. Before we dive in, here's an overview of some of the things you’ll be reading about:

  • The Environment

  • Fighting Fast Fashion

  • Going Ethical

  • Getting involved


A great deal of the clothes being currently produced include dangerous microfibers and toxic dyes. Not to mention, over 60% of the clothes being made today include synthetic in their material. Synthetic is produced from fossil fuels, which are especially damaging to the environment. Because of this, the clothing will not bio-decay and that will cause the landfills to have to incinerate the clothing, releasing

extremely harmful gasses and toxins into the environment. In order to reduced the amount of greenhouses getting released, a legitimate option is to go ethical. This means focusing on natural materials like linen (which can biodegrade in a few weeks once buried in the ground), and using natural dyes instead of the toxic ones polluting our earth.


On this blog, the categories will be going in depth in order to help you take to steps to go ethical. As an introduction, here are some ways you can fight fast fashion:

  • Buy quality, not quantity

  • Recycle/Up-cycle your clothing

  • Support sustainable brands

  • Shop second-hand

  • Shop consciously online

  • Dye your own clothes

  • Know who makes your clothes


Not only is it good for the environment to go ethical, but it is good for you. Toxic dyes and microfibers can be extremely harmful to your skin. It's important that you are mindful of what you are putting on your body. There are plenty of ways to start going ethical. Throughout the blog posts, you will hear of the different methods and steps you can take to slowly get into the habit of choosing ethical fashion over fast fashion every time.


Not only is fast fashion concerning, but there are other alternatives to our every day products. Such as vegan and cruelty-free makeup, shoes, accessories, etc. Going ethical will be rewarding for you, your neighbors, and the earth. By choosing sustainability, you will be contributing to the well-being of the earth and others all around you.

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